Cilok Home Made. Lihat juga resep Homemade Cilok Indo enak lainnya! Sampe-sampe anak-anak bilang kayak main playdough. Lihat juga resep Cilok Homemade Mantul enak lainnya!
In Sundanese, cilok is an abbreviation of aci dicolok or "poked tapioca", since the tapioca balls are poked with lidi skewers made from the midrib of the coconut palm frond.
The size of cilok balls may vary, but it is.
Cilok Goreng - Fried Dough in Peanut Sauce.
Kamu bisa masak Cilok Home Made menggunakan bahan-bahan 6 dan langkah-langkah 8. Berikut cara memasaknya.
Bahan-bahan Cilok Home Made
- 150 gram tepung tapioka,sagutani boleh juga atau tepung kanji.
- 80 gram tepung terigu.
- 1 saset masako atau boleh merek lain.
- 1 buah Telor.
- Bawang putih dan garam.
- secukupnya Air panas.
If you look at the ingredients list, there is no denying that cilok is lacking in the nutrition department, but it sure is pretty tasty. One can say that cilok is a poor man version of bakso (meatball), since it is nothing more than cooked spiced dough. Randy Meeks Recommended for you Here is one of my favourite snack just to fill up your tummy and all the ingredients are easy and the making process also easy!! So. what are you waiting for?!
Langkah-langkah Cilok Home Made
- Giling halus balput,garam.
- Masukkan tapioka,dan tepung terigu masukkan masako dan masukkan air mendidih sedikit lalu aduk2 merata jangan kebanyak air ya nanty jadi bubur.
- Jika sudah jadi adonan masukkan telur aduk lagi dan bentuk bulat2 atau sesuai selera.
- Lalu rebus di dalam air mendidih dan tunggu sampai mengapung.
- Jika sudah mengapung angkat dan tiriskan.
- Tambahkan bumbu kacang, saya menggunakan bumbu kacang instan merek sinti cairkan dengan air panas secukupnya.
- Cilok ala ala rumahan siap dihidangkan 🙏.
- Selamat mencoba.
Here is my recipe on how to make. Cilok a typical Sundanese food made using raw starch aci. If you're curious to try the typical food Bandung, then the following is an easy way to make cilok. Great recipe for Cilok - Bandung Indonesia. There a lot of food similar to Cilok in Indonesia and with different name too.