Karedok. Karedok is a raw vegetable salad in peanut sauce from West Java, Indonesia. It is one of the Sundanese signature dish. It originally included cucumbers, bean sprouts, cabbage, legumes, Thai basil, and small green eggplant, covered in peanut sauce dressing, but there are now many variations.
This simple and healthy dish calls for fresh and raw ingredients which are sliced and served with a traditional peanut sauce.
The most common vegetables in karedok include cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, Thai basil, bean sprouts, and eggplant, however, other vegetables can be.
The special food of West Java Karedok is a culinary based on fresh vegetables served with a sprinkling of peanut sauce.
Kamu bisa masak Karedok menggunakan bahan-bahan 12 dan langkah-langkah 4. Berikut cara masaknya.
Bahan-bahan Karedok
- secukupnya Kol / kubis.
- 2 kacang panjang.
- 1 timun.
- secukupnya Kecambah pendek.
- Kerupuk.
- Bumbu kacang :.
- 4 sdm kacang tanah goreng.
- 1 siung bawang putih.
- 1 ruas kencur.
- sesuai selera Cabai rawit, cabai merah.
- 1/4 sdt garam.
- 1 bh gula merah/jawa.
Foods with the name karedok are actually similar to gado-gado or pecel, but. Karedok is the traditional Indonesian version of a vegetable salad. This simple and healthy dish calls for fresh and raw ingredients which are sliced and served with a traditional peanut sauce. The most common vegetables in karedok include cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, Thai basil, bean sprouts, and eggplant, however, other vegetables can be.
Langkah-langkah Karedok
- Siapkan sayuran dan bumbu kacang.
- Uleg bumbu kacang.
- Masukan yg pertama irisan kacang panjang, irisan kol, irisan mentimun, kecambah.
- Kremes kerupuk kanji, ulek lagi. Aduk rata.
This karedok salad is packed with fibers and anti-oxidants. Besides the health benefits, it is extremely delicious. This salad includes raw green beans, eggplant, and cabbage. The dressing is made with peanuts and Indonesian spices. At first, I thought that the eggplant would not be nice raw and cold, but that is totally untrue.