Bajigur. Bajigur (sundanese script: ᮘᮏᮤᮍᮥᮁ) is a hot and sweet beverage native to the Sundanese people of West Java, Indonesia. The main ingredients are coconut milk and Aren sugar; usually to add taste, a small amount of ginger and a small pinch of salt. Traditionally fragrant pandan leaves were added, but now often artificial vanilla powder is used.
Outside Indonesia, toddy palm fruit is usually sold in a can and should be quite easily found in Asian grocery stores.
If that is not an option, try substituting with fresh coconut meat.
Bajigur - Coffee and Coconut Milk with Toddy Palm Fruit.
Kamu bisa masak Bajigur menggunakan bahan-bahan 7 dan langkah-langkah 3. Berikut cara masaknya.
Bahan-bahan Bajigur
- 600 ml air.
- 2 sachet santan bubuk.
- 1 buah gula merah(me: gula aren).
- 1 sachet kopi instan (me: Nescafe).
- 1 ruas jahe.
- 1 batang kayu manis (me: 1 sdt kayumanis bubuk).
- 1 lembar daun pandan(me: 1 sch vanili bubuk).
Bajigur is a hot and sweet beverage native to the Sundanese people of West Java, Indonesia. The main ingredients are coconut milk and sugar. The traditional recipe includes fragrant pandan leaves, but now, artificial vanilla powder is used more often. Lihat juga resep Sara'bba / Bajigur, Wedang Bajigur enak lainnya!
Langkah-langkah Bajigur
- Siapkan semua bahannya.Bakar jahe, kupas, cuci, geprek. Cuci bersih kayu manisnya..
- Masak air, santan, jahe, daun pandan, dan kayu manis. Aduk2 biar santan enggak pecah. Tambahkan gula. Aduk terus sampai gula larut. Cicipi. Jika sudah pas. Masukkan kopi. Masak dengan api kecil saja dengan mengaduknya selalu. Jika dirasa aroma semua bahan sdh keluar maksimal, sudahi saja nyala kompornya..
- Saring bajigur yang sudah matang. Sajikan di cangkir saji. Enak banget 😍. Apalagi di minum saat hujan-hujanan 😊. Anget di badan 😍😘.
Bajigur is the name of a hot beverage from West Java, Indonesia. The majority of the local population (the Sundanese) in West Java likes to drink bajigur when the weather is cold, or when temperatures are decreasing, for example when one is travelling through the mountains in West Java. A glass of hot bajigur is often served with small snacks, such as steamed banana or cooked sweet potato. Bajigur Brush Font is a handmade brush font with free flowing bold, vigorous, stand out with keep the natural taste. Bajigur brush typeface font includes in uppercase, lowercase letters, standard numbers and punctuation.